The title of this blog post refers to You, to ME*, and to The Mystery.
2021 is the Natural Year to set the intent to be a Change-Maker.
Your story makes you who you are. Overarching each individual ME story is The Mystery. As an artist, I revel in the beauty. I also appreciate the fact that some things will never be seen. So much will never be known. As a Creative, I find a sense of freedom in placing attention on this very segment of the Natural Year. I appreciate having the 12 weeks, a full quarter of the year, spanning from winter solstice over to spring equinox to rest, regenerate and reconnect to the awareness of the unfathomable.
Creative exercise: Even if only for fifteen minutes a day let’s imagine the unimaginable. Gazing at a tree can begin the process. One tree. How did it manage to make its way, branches touching the sky, from the tiniest of seeds? The Mystery/Unfathomable. You and ME* … being here. How did that happen?
The Mystery/Unfathomable.

Moving between the winter solstice in late December and the spring equinox in mid-March is the natural time of the year to clear away old worn patterns. This can be a natural time to renew a creative commitment to a vision. Having a vision means we close the eyes in order to see. Inner seeing clicks in. This segment of the natural year also offers the opportunity to purify any aspect of your environment, clean up self-sabotaging behaviors, or sense a refreshed identity. It’s natural to engage in some inner spring cleaning.
We might each ask, ‘What part of my story relates to My Mystery?’
What is your story?
How shall you address the exciting creative opportunity to Renew You?
Crane Dance, Drozda (c), mixed media sketch/watercolor paper, 8 x 10″
It’s not about talent.
It is our love of our calling
and our devotion to it
that elevates it
to the status of art.
Part of our purpose here on Earth
is to honor our calling
and to be our authentic selves.
That is our gift to the world,
and that is our art.”
Cassandra Tondro
Creative exercise: Ask yourself and journal:
1. What do I desire to renew? What yearns to be refreshed?
2. What am I curious about? What direction feels expansive?
3. Am I ready to be reminded of my authentic gifts and skills?
4. Will I take the best next steps forward, month by month, in the Natural Year before me?
Challenges create opportunities to show where to invest in your personal best.
I like to remind us that every year, from the cross-quarter day of February 2, for 6 weeks approaching the spring equinox on March 20, each of us is gifted with time to consider our fondest dream.
Creative exercise: Rest. Recuperate. Regenerate. Refresh … even if only for 15 minutes a day.
Look at all that has happened since last March 20 when the East Gate opened. Notice your deepest dream. Write it down.
Throughout the renewal month of February notice your personal challenges but don’t get stuck. Ask where do my personal saboteurs, gremlins, demons, monsters, and strange beliefs lurk? (hint: these dark shadows will appear as physical, emotional, or intuitive blocks). Visit this post to be reminded of the six basic fears. Then, open your mind. You may find that deep breathing, walking, gazing, or even napping facilitates a broader perspective.
Whatever techniques you employ; the idea is to discover where positive creative energy is shining a light through your fear blocks. Each nudge forward adds to a stream of focused, flowing energy. Each stream builds to release the flow toward a river of positive direction.
Creative exercise: Ask and journal:
1. What is my current greatest challenge?
2. Am I ready to discover the positive creative breakthrough?
3. Can I dream of how I want to grow?
It’s exciting and encouraging to note that no matter how many years you’ve lived, there is a natural impetus to expand, to spiral upward, to evolve, and to become more than before. This expansive creative energy ignites and sparks naturally ‘come the spring’.
With March approaching it’s a natural time to set your creative intention for 12 months out or to gaze out at the horizon line six months ahead. Plant the seed for your fondest dream. Set your sights on your renewed creative vision. Write it down. Let more of the dream’s Mystery come to meet you.
Coming closer to March 20, spring equinox, is a fine time to listen to the 2021 Creative Energy Report. Leave a comment if you have a Takeaway. Leave a comment if you have a reflection on what you’ve read, here or elsewhere, that can support this natural time of reflection and renewal. Leave a comment if you yearn to encourage creative change. Help us, if you feel called, to learn more about the beauty of The Mystery. Communicate your ideas with someone near and dear to you, someone with whom you would like to have a deeper connection. Share from your personal experience. Write your heart’s longing into your journal. Have courage. We grow together.
In the next post: BD and I have recently learned that there is a big change coming at the tree farm.
Lookin’ UP^
Donna Iona
* ME: in this context is an alchemical codeword that refers to the nurturing feminine, good mother, who is birthing all the ME’s that I have ever been through and throughout time.
Such great timing for this topic and wisdom shared. The questions for self-inquiry allow for the mining of our thoughts about and relationship to the Mystery that show up for us to be curious about. No need to fear what emerges. It’s all good. It isn’t about understanding or judging ourself. It is about loving and being out most beautiful Self. It is about awareness. Thank you for posing the questions about the seeds we plant and the growth and strength that comes from those tiny beginnings.
Thank you Sara ~ love your reflections on ‘no fear’ and ‘all good’ … there is no one-n-only way to plant our seeds … just a whole lot of mystery … coming from our tiny beginnings.
So lovely! Just reading this causes my heart to expand, my body to sit straighter and a smile to grace my face. Thank you!!
Hi Lynn ~ Thank you ‘-) Good to see you!