Donna Iona Drozda here…
I’m so happy that you’ve come to visit Lifecycle.

Lifecycle first became a part of my studio outreach in 1984. It was then that I owned Signet gallery a hot spot in a vibrant arts district in Cleveland, Ohio. Many a day someone deeply talented, gifted and in a state of transition came to sit in the cozy chair beside my desk. Each conversation seemed to turn naturally toward the trials and challenges of being a working artist, a Creative, an impassioned individual…inquiries such as:
- How to remain focused
- How to survive
- Better yet…how to thrive
I am Artist/Shaman: Heartist…(one who moves intuitively and compassionately between the seen and unseen worlds). I am a trained analyst of hand movement (reading the marks you make on paper to discern where current energy blocks and flow reside). These tools have been folded into more than three decades of consults thus preparing me well to be your guide today.
Through our shared journey you will discover the most resourceful path before you. With your feet upon this consciously chosen path you will experience, express, create and contribute your deepest, wisest most authentic gifts to the world. For really. No Kidding. YES.
I am ‘to the moon’ grateful to be sharing Lifecycle with you.
Read a few testimonials here.
Together: you and me and we form a tribe of women who are setting the intention to be joyfully authentic as ACT III (50 years and beyond) unfolds.
I invite you to visit each page of the Lifecycle website. Be curious. Learn more about the creative/healing possibilities and potentials of investing in the next step on your creative/healing/heartfelt path.
I invite you to join our community to engage and explore your world as Heartist.
Lookin’ Up ^
All Lifecycle services carry a full money-back guarantee.