Never sit back and feel there is little or nothing you can do to help the world situation. There is a tremendous amount you can do to help by the work you do on the inner in radiating Love and Light out to individuals, to countries, to nations and to the whole world. Day by day you do this and because you do not see any outer results you wonder if the work is really any good and if it does help. Let Me assure you that this work which is being done on the inner is simply tremendous. lt is holding the whole world in balance, so never cease, never let up in any way but carry on faithfully.
See the whole Network of Light all over the world doing this inner work, see every tiny spark of Light gathering together bringing more and more Light into the whole world situation. If each individual does its part and does it in faith, without always wanting to see immediate results, so does the Light grow brighter and brighter. So shine forth My little Lights until the darkness has been transformed and all is Light.
Eileen Caddy
2023 will be providing us with opportunities to push past the dark, shadowy places so that we are positioned to shine a bit more brightly. We have been experiencing the first 22 years of a new Millenium. Change happens slowly…think snail’s pace. We can’t even fathom the level of shift that’s occurring beyond what our physical eyes perceive.
Set your compass to line up with your North Star. Align with something bigger than yourself and something greater than yourself then make a commitment. Fifty-four years ago I made a commitment to my art/life, to be Creative. I have a track record. I can look over my shoulder and see the tracks that I’ve laid down on my path.
Now, at 74 years of age, I am sitting with my Future Self looking back at what I have created. I am reminded of my years of hospice volunteering and the times I sat beside the bed of someone preparing to take leave. Listening to stories. Taking the stories of others to heart. This is an art.
As we enter the twelve weeks of the Mystery it can be sobering as well as leveling to imagine lying still. Not moving. Listening. Imagining the moment when we will be preparing to take leave.
Seeing life from the view of our Death Bed. It is an uncomfortable thought but an empowering practice. We gain strength when we have the courage to imagine having no form. Being free. Just an incredible lightness of Being.
Yoga Nidra practices and Buddhism offer us a variety of ways to take on this perspective … this long view. I have been deeply moved by taking part in the Tibetan Buddhist Empowerment of Powa. Looking at our transition, and preparing for what is inevitable, a natural part of life is wise.
The Fields of Dewachen, Drozda, Acrylic/canvas, 36×36″
Keeps us from feeling like victims. Helps us to open our hearts to all living beings.
To take a long view, a wider view lifts us above the battlefield of our personality and its struggles. This does not mean leaving reality as it exists here behind. This is an expansion of what is possible. This is a widening of our wondering. During the Mystery quarter of the year going deep allows room for growth.
2023 stretches out before us as a calendar year. Yet, here on the art/life trail, we remember that there is a Circadian Rhythm that keeps us close to nature and reminds us that we are a part of the bigger world. No longer so centered on what’s in it for me. Looking at a longer view…’How can I help?’
As we open the door to the Mystery of the twelve weeks of exploring the Deep Within consider this a practical part of the yearly journey. This is when we move down and in, even if only for 15 minutes each day. This is when we reconnect to the gold mine that each of our lives truly is.
Entering the Gold Mine Within, Drozda, Journal
We stop feeling that life is against us and stand for the art/life as a testimony of what truly matters …. making life the Master Peace … that it is in truth and it feels Light.
See the whole Network of Light all over the world doing this inner work, see every tiny spark of Light gathering together bringing more and more Light into the whole world situation.E.C.
Hi C ~ There’s a cool holiday sign all bright with lights on Independence Blvd. near MacDonald’s Garden Center. It reads:
Seems like the least we can do for one another 😉
Turn on the Light!!
Happy Newest Year 😉
I thank you so much for sharing these thoughts; at 78 I relate to the importance of finding peace in what remains, even beauty.
(And I so miss your art classes!)
Thank you Iona for being the light and the love!
Hi C ~ There’s a cool holiday sign all bright with lights on Independence Blvd. near MacDonald’s Garden Center. It reads:
Seems like the least we can do for one another 😉
Turn on the Light!!
Happy Newest Year 😉
I thank you so much for sharing these thoughts; at 78 I relate to the importance of finding peace in what remains, even beauty.
(And I so miss your art classes!)
Hi, Karen ~ Happy Newest Year to you and yours.
Finding peace and beauty in what remains … yes.
By the way, I’m developing an online drawing class, Drawing on How You Feel.
Stay tuned.
Holiday hugs~