Judy Maver
Happily Retired School Counselor 
When I started XLC I’d recently retired from many years as a high school counselor so I knew I wanted to recognize and be true to who I really am as “me.” There were a lot of leftovers from my personal and professional worlds I needed to honor, and I trusted that working with Donna and XLC would make the work more interesting and definitely more heartfelt.
I’m asking myself more pointed and important questions. And I’m making time to answer them honestly. I’ve begun to re-appreciate why I went into (and still love) education and am now using those talents in other areas.
I look at things differently. I’m reaching into myself for answers that have been there waiting for the right questions. I’ve always believed in creativity and her incredible powers, yet the new avenues I’ve learned through XLC have expanded this world beyond my expectations.
Dearest Donna,
Thank you for your time and the beauty you show me and others.
You help open doors to greatness.
Valerie Sayre,
NMD, RD, LDN, NMD, R.Ph.T., Reiki Master &
Certified Medical Exercise Specialist
When I applied for my Lifecycle Consultation and XLC sessions a few years ago I was facing the challenge of finding my artist self, the creative part of me hidden under all of my other life choices and obligations. I was truthfully a little lost as to how to find that creative part of myself.
Both the consultation and the XLC sessions put me back on track to finding my authentic artist self. I am in the process of uncovering what needs to be done and taking active steps toward making it happen. I feel like all things are possible as I do this incredibly deep and rewarding work for myself.
I so look forward to my monthly XLC conference calls with Donna. Donna has a special way of focusing in on exactly what I need to work on to stay on track with my creative goals. She goes above and beyond in terms of kindness, attention and support.
I enjoy creating my contracts and having documentation of my growth. I consider myself very lucky for this incredible opportunity to work with Donna Drozda!
Theresa Kennish, NJ
Theresa Kennish update:
Hi!! I did my homework from our last XLC session and wow!!! My yoga teacher went bananas for the idea of combining yoga and painting in an upcoming show and workshop. I did a trial run at my house yesterday. She was over the moon!! And this is all thanks to our wonderful XLC collaboration!! Thank you, Donna, for being the most amazing, intuitive, supportive mentor ever!! 🌞🌟💕
Iona set me straight on self-doubt.
I was feeling that my gifts and passions weren’t doing enough for the greater good when she pointed out that what I produce through my gifts and passions serves a great purpose for others. Her insight and depth into the soul of her clients is unsurpassed.
I am a new client and can see that working with Iona on perhaps a seasonal basis would keep me on higher ground and on the straight and narrow path toward my own greater good!
Felice Willat,www.felicewillatphotography.com ,
Creator: Day Runner Personal Organizers, Tools With Heart
I first discovered Iona through her book of prayer-poems for care-givers.
Next came the discovery of her artwork—treasures that tell stories.
I’ve been privileged to attend Iona’s art classes at MOCA and have participated in her women’s circles.
Her blog has been a big favorite and UP-lift for many years. And then came LIFECYCLE!
Not only has Iona gifted my life with her art, she has also gifted it with her wisdom.
Iona has a way of seeing through things, a way of finding the “pearls” to encourage and inspire. Lifecycle is an investment with immediate returns to the creative SELF.
Lifecycle is an affirmation of SELF. I found it a re-minder of the unique “who” that I am and the intention of my journey—extremely helpful information to have anytime, and especially when facing bigger changes or challenges.
I highly recommend an opportunity to work with Iona through LIFECYCLE.
Judy Peltz: artist, explorer, gardener

Lifecycle has taught me how to believe in myself as an artist. It’s through this awesome
experience of self-discovery that I, in my mid-forties, finally learned to say “Yes!” to my
unique way of seeing through a camera lens.
Lifecycle has been a life changing process that continues to bring me so much joy! 
Thank you Iona!
Abbie Korman, VA
I highly recommend the full spectrum of Lifecycle Services.
I had my first Lifecycle consultation with Donna in 1997 and have not missed an annual update since. It’s like receiving an energy tune-up. During especially challenging and transitional years, I’ve utilized her XLC series where her ability to listen, to clarify, and to stimulate has been immensely helpful.
Donna also offers a variety of on-line and in-person workshops, all aimed at stimulating and bringing out the best in each participant.
In addition to her work as a Lifecycle consultant, Donna is a motivational speaker, author, educator, and a fine artist of large canvas tapestries and small collage works.
I am grateful and honored to call Donna a close friend, mentor and trusted consultant. I hope you find her work as inspiring as I do.
Sandra ‘Sunny’ Mosley, HI
Zodiac Arts
Having turned 59 years old this year…..Searching for what and how the remaining years, chapters of my life will look…what’s next for me?
What matters? Deep concern for the disconnect in my 26 year marriage. The lack of joy, laughter and spontaneity in my life. Feeling as if I don’t fit in my current world, feeling stuck.
I’ve experienced a number of Lifecycle readings and they have always been deeply insightful, encouraging and motivating.
Lifecycle inspires me to trust and listen to my inner-self/voice, my intuition…reminding me of the innate value that is within me, helping me to cultivate the spirit of change, flow and growth while moving through the cycles/transitions of life with eyes, body and heart wide open.
Lifecycle supports and encourages me to trust and work toward and on a path of integrity and authenticity in my relationships, and my work in the world while broadening my views of self and others. Looking at difficulty and turning toward the difficult sticky stuff in life with an openness.
For me, Lifecycle offers and invites a spaciousness for opportunities, challenges, creativity, self worth/awareness…growth. Also, having the privilege to know and work with Donna Iona Drozda…. an amazing woman, guide and mentor.
Sarah Myers, OH
Body-worker, Licensed Massage Therapist, oncology massage therapist, End of Life Practitioner, Yoga Instructor, momma
My journey through Extended Life Cycle (XLC) has been amazing.
I am getting ready to retire which has been frightening and a huge adjustment.
My identity has been wrapped around my career and I had fear of who I would be and what I would do.
Using Life Cycle to understand this process has been so helpful to understand that I am me, not my job. Life Cycle brings clarity to the process of navigating through life.
Thank You Donna
Jan Ashton, FL.
Senior Account Executive
NBC/ABC…and soon … Freedom to create my new chapter!
I have been consulting with Donna through her Lifecycle work for more than 30 years.
I would not let a year go by without an update from her, so valuable are the insights I gain.
She has provided thoughtful and much-treasured guidance for me at all the important stages and changes in my life.
The honest validations and compassionate wisdom that come through her deeply committed attention to her work with me have made a positive difference in how I think about myself and how I respond to the challenges and opportunities I have faced in my life over these three decades.
Kathleen Cerveny, OH
Artist, Grantmaker and Cleveland Heights Poet Laureate
When I first began the XLC process I would have to say I felt a calling to go within, to move from that outer world of action, people, and “life” itself to the rich inner vibrancy and creativity buried somewhere deep inside of me that I had lost touch with over the years. It wasn’t that my current lifestyle and way of being was “bad”, it was just that I knew it was time to move on—beyond the current expectations and roles I had assumed.
Increasingly I wanted to feel 100% authentic, where my vision, and the choices and behaviors to align myself with that vision were connected with a Higher Plan—far greater than I could possibly imagine.
The results that occurred following my Lifecycle sessions in two words—magic and miracles! The XLC consultations drove and supported me to a state of wholeness and authenticity, with a heck of a lot of work, of course. At a time when many people “retire” (maybe they actually retire from their jobs or maybe they just retire from life, even though they have to keep working to earn a living), I feel I’m in a whole new state of beginning. That may sound like an overused and trite phrase from some people’s perspective but guess what? Even though it can be a challenge at times, I am having a lot more fun doing work aligned with my life’s purpose in such a way where I feel confident, joyful, and integrated with my true self, and that is something pretty special!
For me what makes Lifecycle work:
(1)The XLC Contract you make with your Higher Self—I had no idea of the absolute power of an intention, followed by the creation of a personal vision, which felt much like drawing a line in the sand and saying, “This is who I am, this is who I am striving to become. These are the thought and behavior patterns that will support me. This is what negates me. Let’s get to work!”
(2) Sitting in the presence of an extraordinary listener who is 100% focused on supporting you. It is in this “allowing” space that the possibilities for new ways of being begin to come forth.
(3) I loved the practical tools and practices Donna suggested as optional “homework” that expanded my awareness, knowledge, or ability to handle a difficult situation in a different way.
(4) Without the XLC sessions, I don’t think I would have remained as committed and focused on my contract goals. This XLC work is often rewarding and yet at times very challenging and frightening because you are really entering into a whole new world within yourself. I found the regularity of the sessions, along with Donna’s tremendous support, to be key ingredients for feeling at the end of the day, that I had really accomplished something important to me.
Chris Williams, OH
My challenge and obstacle was very basic, attempting to find the truth of who I am. To make sense of my purpose and to find peace within the chaos I often felt. My first Lifecycle session was in 1994 and 21 years later I continue to value the annual giving of wisdom and practical application that Lifecycle provides.
There is always an excitement and sense of affirmation that comes with a Lifecycle Consultation.
Donna applies her expertise, knowledge, experience, compassion, and innate gifts to gather information from a wide variety of sources to make the consultation ‘user-friendly’. The results are numerous. With each listening of the recording, new awareness arise. It is just great to be re-minded about the potential of the year ahead and how it relates to the other cycles of life that have passed. I can be as involved in the process as I like, do the homework or not. I feel empowered to take steps I wouldn’t have known about without Lifecycle.
It is the total personal, ‘about me’ perspective and the very objective, impersonal, practical, hands-on, viable, workable, down-to-earth information that makes Lifecycle so much fun… resulting in a truly unique way to approach the journey of life. It simply works! Don’t take my word for it, experience it for yourself!
Sara Wasserman, CA.
Art Therapist, Counselor, Health Care Professional
Throughout the last 20 + years that I have been working with Donna, her words, ideas, images, and homework have always appeared when I have been struggling, with any number of issues (self-esteem; change; relationships; family situations, etc.

As always, when I listen to her, think about her experiences and the wisdom she offers, a path to resolving the struggles seems to come (not always right away, but always at the right time). The Lifecycle recordings, the snail mail cards, emails and blog posts all help me remember that I am struggling for a reason and that I can figure out a way to “Stop it”!
Cory Young, NY
Ithica College, Associate Professor
I have been working with Donna for 29 years. She is coach, mentor, sister and friend. She is the person I call when I need direction. When we talk it becomes a clearing for creativity, an opening for something new to emerge.
I feel heard and loved…recharged and ready to move forward!
Donna has given me help to make my life on the planet more meaningful and fulfilling.
Heard this quote today:
“We are drowning in information but starving for practical wisdom.”
I think that is what you offer… practical wisdom. Thank You.
Kathleen Stefancin, OH
President of Smartpicks, Inc.