Don’t ask what the world needs.
Ask what makes you come alive, and go do it.
Because what the world needs is
people who have come alive.
~ Howard Thurman

Welcome to March and the Creative Energy of Purity!
Over the years I’ve considered what Purity means as the last of the 12 moon/months keywords. Purity, for me, is the difference between a hot shower and a sweat lodge. Yes, a hot shower will clean/purify the largest organ of the body. Yet a sweat lodge, with its attendant rituals; creating cloth prayer bundles with tobacco and cornmeal, gathering the saplings to build the lodge, finding and honoring the stones, and stooking the fire, requires preparation that brings body, mind, and spirit into harmony while being a journey of the soul.
This is the final moon/month of the Natural Circadian Year. In Pisces’ good fashion, we dream of all that is possible for the coming twelve moon/months, beginning with the New Moon in Aries at the spring equinox on March 21.
Like birds rebuilding their nests,
as fox kits play deep in the den,
this is our natural time to consider
the seed dream for the year before us.
Take time this month to consider what is ready to be released/purified/detoxed, as you simultaneously consider the words of the artist Gaugin saying,
“I close my eyes in order to see.”
What do you see from the vantage point of your inner seeing, your soul’s knowing? This is a powerful time to reconnect to the calling of your soul. For this year I am reading, and reading again, the exceptional work Seat of the Soul by Gary Zukav. This classic was gifted to me in 1990 by one of my Master Mind partners. I devoured it at the time and recently I came across an Oprah book list and found it included in her top ten. This prompted me to bring it back off the shelf. Knowing that 2022 was a splintering year in my life, I now see the opportunity to listen to my soul in a deeper way.
How will you navigate this Vision Quest year?
Remember the power of changing
the way you think as you move forward.
The Creative Energy of 2023 gives focus. This is a Vision Quest year. When embarking on a VQ we first orient to the environment. We notice what is helpful. We notice what is not helpful. We prepare to meet the unexpected. A Vision Quest is time spent in seclusion. You may be fortunate and able to set aside time just for you. Many of us have no such opportunity. Plenty of us wouldn’t want the time to be alone even if it was available. However, it is possible to set aside, 15 minutes a day, close our eyes, and visualize the path ahead.
It can be supremely helpful to find a way-shower, a guide, someone that for us carries a light that supports us as we face our fear, doubt, and indecision. It’s good to choose someone who can demonstrate to us the way to move forward. You might have someone. Think of them now. Thank them for what they bring. Allow them to assist and sponsor your coming dream.
Visualize your Future Self one year from now
I was fortunate at age twenty to meet my Future Self in Alice, whose farm I was led to by Invisible Hands when my life could have taken me down the rabbit hole. (please, heed the posted warning)
Instead, I was shown a model for my life and I have followed the creative energy of that path with ever-expanding gratitude. As my dear friend, Madame Silvarie, said to me in April 1995, lying in hospice, ‘Life Works.’
In this Vision Quest year
adopt your version of
the Life Works light
To carry a Life Works Light, can mean exploring a growth edge. In this post I share a sneak peek of Soul Soaring by Poet Valerie Sayre. You get a teaser for her soon-to-be-released book in the video that follows.
Meet the Poet as she chats with me, the Artist. When invited by Valerie to illustrate a number of her poems I found her collection of words rich in visuals. I have a term for this that I call painting with words.
See with your Inner Eyes as you read the poem, Mother Earth. Listen to the words with your Inner Ears.
Allow yourself to be spirit-guided on a mini-vision quest. Read the words, close your eyes, savor, and see in your mind’s eye the images that bring beauty, goodness, and a personal truth into your soul:
Mother Earth
She brings me comfort
The rock glisten
Holding gems and crystals
Precious and oldHer ground under my feet comforts me
Her warmed stones on my body envelope me
My soul connects to her messagesEndless waves
Like our lifetimes
They can be restless and harsh or
Grounded, whole at peaceHer shells remind us of all the gifts
The beauty of the sea
Cleaned, collected and vibrating on our shelves
They whiten with age like our human hairThe leaves wrestle in the winds
Send me whispers of timeless
Proof of grounded delight
Growing, shedding the old, and then re-blooming
Bending, always bendingThank you, Earth Mother
I thank Valerie for sharing her dream vision. She has taken the inevitable harshness along with the exquisite beauty of life and collected her ‘closed eyes’ painted-word images into poems that I trust will support you, my dear friends.
As you quest for your vision, your dream and your soul soar in their unique and uplifting ways.
Can we each commit to navigating this Vision Quest year starting with the pure dream of creative energy flowing forth bringing beauty, goodness, and our truest voice to all those that life places before us?
Leave a comment or feel free to email me with your YES!
P.S. I have a personal request. Thank you in advance!!
Please share this post with at least one friend. Ask them to subscribe. I have a vision of connecting with like-minded sister souls.
Choose someone that you know will resonate with the mission to unlearn fear and plant creative seeds growing the art of peace-making.
The message of this moon/month is to enter the sweat lodge to dream deeper.
It’s time to imagine a wider, more expansive dream than ever before … that’s what a Vision Quest is for … it calls our Spirit home.