… to ‘Emerge n See’
Click the circle to register
I’m excited and happy to invite you to experience PWP:
Progress Without Pressure
We’ll mine the creative/expressive gold of the
Alchemical, Archetypal
What does this mean and who is this for?
The “BE ME” – code refers to the part of you, and me and we that is up to something that is beneficial to invest in.
Often this something hangs out beyond your comfort zone.
There may be an unsettling quality to this something calling you. It may be a burning yearning to explore a new direction or open a new creative door…
BE MORE of your true nature.
This ‘something’ may feel odd and overwhelming, it may
seem like a fantasy or even a pipe-dream.
Most likely “this something” is the thing that you have not been able to make space for or carve out the time to engage.
Are you too busy for you?
then …
It’s About Time to …
“Emerge n See”
Something wonderful is emerging!
BE fully engaged with that part that has a burning-
yearning to experience, express, create and contribute
throughout this new Natural Year!
At this critical time in our collective evolution each of us
deserves to BE ME in a gentle yet empowered creative way…
let’s practice together!
It’s About Time … to BE open to a relationship with
Natural/Circadian/Feminine Time…
It’s creative and it’s good science to move forward
in a state of balance and joy!

‘It’s About Time…to Emerge n See’
the weekly prompts move you to
working from home and from your heart!
Receive weekly ‘Emerge n See’
prompts and creative journal encounters!
‘Emerge n See’ is designed to help you place your
heart focus front and center…
all you need to invest is 15 minutes a day.
During “Emerge n See”
explore your creative energy …
Emerge n See sets the tone with a radically enlivening,
uplifting focus.
Bring your idea,
or a
current challenge
to “Emerge n See”
weekly prompts
witness your creative transformation.
How it works:
each Wednesday the short
“Emerge n See” video
arrives via email.
The short/concise video contains
the prompt/focus for the week
Thursday evening join the 30-minute
ZOOM conference
where we integrate the video lesson.
Can’t join live?
No worries.
The MP4 recording is emailed the following day.
All videos are available to
download and save to your computer.
Whether this is your first experience with
PWP or not
you’re in the best place to witness
the creative energy of your
dream-vision, inspiration,
Don’t know what your goal/focus is?
Not a problem … at different times and under unique
circumstances all of us stand on a growing edge where
It’s About Time … to “Emerge n See”
Join our circle of Time Travelers!
take part as you notice the
effortless ease
in which your creative focus
comes to meet you.
Our private FaceBook group allows you to participate as much as you choose while being inspired by sister Change-makers.
Click image to register:
Charter Member tuition: $85.00
(code is posted in our Members Facebook group)
New members: $105.00
It’s About Time to Create PWP:
‘Emerge n See’
I am excited and inspired to have you join the