Everything Wants to Be Round

Welcome to our weekly art/life trail ride. December 11:The New Strength Moon:  Twig reflection, Drozda, 2006 On our art/life trail ride keep in mind that Strength and balance are represented by the circle. … the Power of the World always works in circles, and everything tries to be round....

Shake Your Wings

December Sky at my retreat farm, Drozda You knock at the door of reality. You shake your wings, loosen your shoulders, and open. Rumi Welcome to our weekly art/life trail ride…Like many of us I stepped back from routine last week to be with family. I’m deeply grateful to...

The Most Irreplaceable of Beings

Morning Song, Drozda, Acrylic/mixed media on canvas, 36 x 48″ Private Collection  “Do not do what someone else could do as well as you. Do not say, do not write what someone else could say, could write as well as you. Care for nothing in yourself but what you...

Do You Mind?

I think I could turn and live with animals, they are so placid and self-contain’d, I stand and look at them long and long. Walt Whitman Welcome to our weekly art/life trail ride. Were you able to pause, ponder and piddle last week with a bit of putzing added?...

Pondering, Piddling and Putzing

Welcome to the art/life trail ride.  This week we’re taking a deep breather and enjoying the surrounding view. Savor the company of your favorite trees while reflecting upon the current design and the detail of the art/life that you’re living.   As we travel the wheel of the Natural Year...

Howz’it Goin?

The trick is to Treat Welcome to the art/life trail ride…we are well into the fall segment of the path and the tricks and treats abound. For example…I had this post completely written and saved and as I hit the button to publish the entire post disappeared. I cannot...

Compassion, Confidence and Inner Strength

The Dalai Lama and my teacher, Khenpo Khonchong Gyaltshen Rinpoche “Compassion reduces our fear, boosts our confidence, and opens us to inner strength. By reducing distrust, it opens us to others and brings us a sense of connections with them and a sense of purpose and meaning in life.”...

The More Experience You Have

“The more experience you have, the more possibilities you can create.” Tim Gunn Black Rat Snake, Drozda, 2010 Welcome to this week’s art/life trail ride. Since we last met…Wren House has been burglarized and ransacked. Three hours away at my retreat farm an email from my neighbor informs me that...

Any Intelligent Fool…

Any intelligent fool can make things bigger, more complex, and more violent. It takes a touch of genius…and a lot of courage…to move in the opposite direction. E.F.Schumacher This week the art/life trail ride is geared toward…let it go. Let go of the bigger Let go of the more...