Moving into the Mystery

Happy New ‘Cleansing’ Moon! Welcome to many new readers joining us on the slow-flow art/life trail. Temple Door, Drozda, Acrylic/panel, 24 x 18″, Private collection It’s good to travel together going deep into the gold mine. During the six moon/months between fall and spring equinox our journey takes us in...

The North Gate

Welcome to Solstice Week on the Art/Life Trail! The North Gate to the 12 weeks of Mystery opens.   “To open a door in one’s mind, whether in writing, in prayer, or in writing-as-prayer, is to invite an experience of “the deep.” It is rather like standing on the edge...


Welcome to the trail! Thank you for being here and for your willingness to follow the path of your art/life as it lines up with the monthly focus points on the Natural Calendar…ever an interesting ride! We have moved through the first two moon/months, Experience and Introspection, of the...

Static on the Line

Welcome to the art/life trail! We are traveling inward and continuing the six month process of sinking deep. The first 90 days (stretching from fall equinox to winter solstice) can be used for mind training. In as little as fifteen quiet minutes a day it becomes possible to connect with...

The Pervading Influence

Welcome to the art/life trail. For the past three weeks we’ve been contemplating Being horse, opening space to be connected to our personal horsepower. Personal horsepower is the natural ability to be instinctive and free. If we observe horse in the wild she will stand long and long gazing...

Horse Sense

Welcome to the art/life trail ride!  Week by week our opportunity, from now until spring equinox, is to turn toward Inner Treasure. In order to accomplish this worthy and inspired goal we line up with s l o w f l o w Several weeks ago we shape-shifted. We became...

The Root of the Matter

Welcome to the art/life trail ride. Who  Knows? Maybe the Root Is the Flower Of that Other Life Mary Oliver We are moving down into the roots of the 90 days of fall. This is the Experience month, when it’s possible to really begin (fresh each year) to mature the creative...

Becoming Newer

Welcome to the art/life trail ride! Our challenge for fall is to turn our attention toward an expanded and simultaneously deepened relationship with Life.  To support this call I’ve invited Wise Woman Medea Bavarella Chechik to share her insights on Becoming Newer.  Medea’s life long quest for knowledge and wisdom began...

A Staggering Idea

Welcome to the art/life trail ride! Sometimes I think we’re alone in the universe, and sometimes I think we’re not. In either case the idea is quite staggering. Arthur C. Clarke Last week we considered the power of being horse rather than riding horse. That’s a big shift in...

Breathing Space

Welcome to this week on the art/life trail ride! October 1-30 brings the Experience Moon. We are standing at the West Gate on the circle of the Natural Year. From here we begin the deep inward turn on the trail that takes us down and in. As we begin to move...