Clarity Gently Leads to Wisdom

Welcome to the art/life trail ride and the New ‘Wisdom’ Moon! We need something bigger than we are to be awed by and to commit ourselves to. Without the transcendent and the transpersonal we get sick, or else hopeless and apathetic. Abraham Maslow It’s the New Natural Year and...

Create Clarity

Welcome to the art/life trail ride! Throughout April we are on the first step through the East Gate and the keyword for this 30 day challenge is Clarity.  Ask yourself: Where would I benefit from having increased Clairty in my art/life? At the East Gate starting point for the Natural...

What Shall I Create?

Welcome to the art/life trail ride! We have now crossed the threshold into the new Natural Year and the beginning of a brand new 13 moon section of the art/life path!! Imagine what beauty lies ahead! I’m so glad that you are here! We’ve made it. Here we are...

We’ve Arrived…

Happy Vernal Equinox!! “You can go backwards to comfort or forward to growth. You must choose growth again and again. You must challenge your fears again and again.”          Abraham Maslow Welcome to the Art/Life Trail! With the upcoming March 28 new moon we jump back into the saddle...

A Fresh Start

Welcome to the art/life trail! It’s the week before spring equinox and here on the trail we are looking through the doorway into the first 12 weeks of the Natural New Year! The new beginning of the Natural Calendar occurs on March 27 with the Aries New Moon. This is,...

Preppin’ to Fast Track

Welcome to the art/life trail! I’m so glad that you are here. Within a few short weeks we will jump back into the saddle and begin a fresh ride around the Natural New Year.  On the art/life trail we’re tracking each next step in the ongoing and unlimited creative process....

Simple Gifts

Welcome to the art/life trail. I thought we’d open this week with a salute to Kindness Week. Even though the week is now behind us it’s worth carrying random acts of kindness forward as the trail stretches out ahead. February brings us the Renewal Moon cycle. How powerful and focused...

Travel Deep

Welcome to the art/life trail. How grand and adventurous to be traveling deep inward during this quieting half of the year. I know. I know. The surface of the water is stirred up into a maelstrom.   mael·strom ˈmālˌsträm,ˈmālˌstrəm/ noun a powerful whirlpool in the sea or a river....

Choice is Now

Welcome to the art/life trail…and the Full Clearing Moon! I’m so appreciative of our being on the trail together. We are now deep within the Underworld of the Dark Feminine. Follow your breath inward and drop into your womb cave, your belly, your Orenda, where regeneration and recreation are naturally...