Most unhappiness comes from not being able to sit quietly in a room. Pascal I’m mapping out a year of recovery from a traumatic injury. As a seventy-year-old artist, I am choosing to address the fear as well as the creative opportunities that made themselves known while healing took...
Failure in My Bones
I was telling myself to calm down. I was paying attention to the way that I talk to myself. I could tell this experience was different. I’m sharing a personal story of recovery. This is what occurred as a result of my earthquake experience. I acknowledge and respect the...
After the Earthquake
The first handmade trail at the tree farm retreat in 2013 After the earthquake, I was pretty scared. Terrified really. It’s not easy to tell when...
Pay Attention Please
Creek bed at Blue Bird Gulch Tree Farm, Drozda Welcome to my first blog post in a year! After a sudden injury on December 6, 2018, I required all of my attention to focus on and devote my time to healing. It was early on that Thursday morning, which...
Dreams Come True
There’s nothing more delicious than inspiration leading to action Welcome to the art/life trail and to the third Wednesday installment where BD and I take turns sharing our tree farm adventure…today we go inside to see the space that welcomes us once we dream of moving from this to...
Adding Grace to Your Pace
Welcome to the art/life trail! How exciting it is to begin our yearly journey through The Mystery. Each Natural/Circadian year, between Winter Solstice and Spring Equinox, offers us the time to reconnect to the power of the Unknown and the Not-to-be-known. What would life be without the opportunity to...
How To Start a Tree Farm
Pretty simple, get some land…..then stand back. Of course we didn’t know that and thought one had to put forth a bunch of effort and money. I find it hysterical and a little embarrassing that we actually dug up trees from our back yard in Virginia Beach, potted them...
Tree Farm: First Summer
Welcome to the art/life trail. On the third Wednesday of each month BD and I share our Tree Farm adventure which began in February 2010 with her purchase of 50 clear cut acres. BD: the first spring The story thus far: Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Spring 2010: Compelled...
Dancing in the Dark…
Welcome to the art/life trail. November offers time to reflect. These four weeks provide a natural time to reconnect to what holds deep meaning for you. Consider your dreams, ideas, visions, inclinations to express yourself. Reflect upon the creative juice within your relationships. Also note the opportunities facing you...
Are You Scurrying?
Welcome to the art/life trail! In October something wonderful emerges. A shift happens. You can look over your shoulder (as you step further into the autumn) and see what’s happened since spring. Time to reflect upon where you’ve been, how you’ve been With whom you’ve been engaged. Take...