We’ve Arrived…

Happy Vernal Equinox!! “You can go backwards to comfort or forward to growth. You must choose growth again and again. You must challenge your fears again and again.”          Abraham Maslow Welcome to the Art/Life Trail! With the upcoming March 28 new moon we jump back into the saddle...

Choice is Now

Welcome to the art/life trail…and the Full Clearing Moon! I’m so appreciative of our being on the trail together. We are now deep within the Underworld of the Dark Feminine. Follow your breath inward and drop into your womb cave, your belly, your Orenda, where regeneration and recreation are naturally...

Difficult or Impossible to Understand

Welcome to the art/life trail and to the world of 2017! This is a critical year for taking a stand, having a vision. Let’s be willing to move forward without fear and without having the who, the how, the when, the why or the where in place. Sounds unsettling and...

Moving into the Mystery

Happy New ‘Cleansing’ Moon! Welcome to many new readers joining us on the slow-flow art/life trail. Temple Door, Drozda, Acrylic/panel, 24 x 18″, Private collection It’s good to travel together going deep into the gold mine. During the six moon/months between fall and spring equinox our journey takes us in...

The North Gate

Welcome to Solstice Week on the Art/Life Trail! The North Gate to the 12 weeks of Mystery opens.   “To open a door in one’s mind, whether in writing, in prayer, or in writing-as-prayer, is to invite an experience of “the deep.” It is rather like standing on the edge...