Welcome to the art/life trail…I’m so happy that you are here! First things first: We’re in the midst of our 30 Day Growth Challenge! What committment to your growth are you excited to make and be supported to accomplish? Join the second in our series of four live teleseminars: Part...
Explore Your Greening Force
‘EXPLORE YOUR GREENING FORCE’ WREN HOUSE STUDIO SUMMMER SCHOOL 2017 With Heartist Donna Iona Drozda Greetings of the Summer Quarter, On June 21, we crossed the threshold of the South Gate. Walking the seasons and the cycles of the Natural Year we welcome the south and its 90-day pathway....
How Does Your Brilliance Grow?
Welcome to the art/life trail and summer solstice 2017! Today, June 21, we experience the longest light of the Natural Year…Summer Solstice/Litha marks the South Gate’s opening on the Natural Calendar Wheel. This is an exciting place to pause and take a deep breath. You and me and we...
Get Lit UP^
~ Welcome to the art/life trail ride ~ We are a dedicated group of artful gardeners flowing with the circle of the seasons. Each of us in our own way volunteers to line up with the creative energy of the year. 2017 sets us off on a new path opening to the...
Whose That Wise Guy
Welcome to the art/life trail ride! And Happy New ‘Illumination’ Moon! If you are new here on the trail it’s so good to have you join us! We’re making our way around the Circle of the Natural Year. The Natural Year extends from the Aries New Moon (near the spring...
All Mother Sentient Beings
Welcome to the art/life trail ride! We are half way through the Wisdom Moon cycle. At the midpoint of each month we can pause and reflect. This is when you can see your shadow and attend to its needs. Stand outdoors under the Full Moon and you’ll notice what...
Let’s Be Wise
Welcome to the art/life trail ride! We’re moving through the Wisdom Moon/Month of May where the sensual and passionate burgeoning of nature surrounds! In my own backyard I observe a blue bird family, a cardinal nesting pair coming and going from the old boxwood hedge, Canada geese tending their...
Clarity Gently Leads to Wisdom
Welcome to the art/life trail ride and the New ‘Wisdom’ Moon! We need something bigger than we are to be awed by and to commit ourselves to. Without the transcendent and the transpersonal we get sick, or else hopeless and apathetic. Abraham Maslow It’s the New Natural Year and...
Create Clarity
Welcome to the art/life trail ride! Throughout April we are on the first step through the East Gate and the keyword for this 30 day challenge is Clarity. Ask yourself: Where would I benefit from having increased Clairty in my art/life? At the East Gate starting point for the Natural...
What Shall I Create?
Welcome to the art/life trail ride! We have now crossed the threshold into the new Natural Year and the beginning of a brand new 13 moon section of the art/life path!! Imagine what beauty lies ahead! I’m so glad that you are here! We’ve made it. Here we are...