We’ve Arrived…

Happy Vernal Equinox!!

“You can go backwards to comfort or forward to growth.

You must choose growth again and again.

You must challenge your fears again and again.”

         Abraham Maslow

Welcome to the Art/Life Trail! With the upcoming March 28 new moon we jump back into the saddle and head out onto the trail! This is a journey into uncharted territory!

Lean forward and sense into the adventure and the challenges up ahead.

Let’s be real. We’ve invested the past six moon/month’s turning inward for a brief amount of time, hopefully each day, finding deep roots that anchor and support  growth in the year before us. Exciting stuff!

The circular quality of the Natural Year is wild and unknown in its unfolding. That’s why we stabilize first. We remember that we each possess a Central, a Center, a point of alignment and congruence.

Ancestors: Grandfather Sun, Father Sky, Mother Earth, Grandmother Moon; elements: earth, air, fire, water

We can all ‘go home’ to our center no matter where we are, no matter what is occurring. Moon by moon we turn attention toward this creative Ancestral Family: Grandfather Sun, Father Sky, Mother Earth and Grandmother Moon. These are joined by the force and focus of the elements: earth, air, fire and water. With each Moon we witness the groundswell of growth and increased trust in the unlimited creative possibility that surrounds.

In 2017 we stand at a collective trail head. There is such an exciting trajectory before us. Can you imagine moving forward with a personal willingness to act as if everything is new? Are you willing to sense into how being new and feeling into the unknown is a gift? There will be ups and downs on the trail ahead and we are wise to start out with a tremendous commitment…to not wait…but instead…CREATE!

Until one is committed, there is hesitancy, the chance to draw back, always ineffective. Concerning all acts of initiative (and creation), there is one elementary truth, the ignorance of which kills countless ideas and splendid plans: that the moment one definitely commits oneself, then providence moves too. A whole stream of events issues forth from the decision, raising in one’s favor all manner of unforeseen incidents, meetings, and material assistance, which no one could have dreamt would come their way.

Explorer W.H.Murray

To help place this into perspective mark your calendar to read the 2017 Lifecycle Forecast at each quarter turn of the year. Notice how you are keeping pace with your ability to midwife your creative vision into the world.

Throughout this Natural Year I will be providing prompts…think homework…to support your creative seed vision.

Here is a 2 minute video to help you consciously shift your creative energy as we celebrate the Vernal Equinox: Click on me or the link below and get active!


Don’t Jump Ahead

I appreciate that even though we are essentially moving up from six moon/months in the Underworld of the womb-cave and into the light of the masculine Topside world of taking action…still…primarily what we are about here on the art/life trail is stepping off the predominantly linear manner of ‘getting somewhere’ to the art of ‘putting life on feminine time’ allowing ourselves to Be with what is.

What lies behind us, and what lies before us,

are but tiny matters compared to what lies within us.

Ralph Waldo Emerson

Let’s Talk About Clarity

This Aries New Moon on March 28 is the start point on the Natural Calendar and it engages the element of fire. Questing toward your vision ought to light you on fire!

Your Vision ought to ignite your passion! Your vision can be pictured as a steady flame lighting up the inside of your heart!

The power of your vision is increased exponentially when you come from an internal place that is balanced, integrating feminine (darkness) with masculine (lightness). This year you can weave a conscious relationship between these Yin/Yang forces by forging a sacred inner marriage between the two.

Clarity is inherent to a fresh beginning. Think of wide expansive uncharted territory, visualize an open empty beach. The breath relaxes and the spine elongates, the measure of each step is strong and straight forward. As you move into the first of the three months of spring keep aware that you’re simultaneously stepping out (masculine) and stepping in (feminine). You’re spiraling into the Center of the Wheel even as you actively engage your vision and its organic growth…more on the next call.

Feel what it’s like to be present to you. Let others see who you are from this place of balance. Masculine energy is interested in progress, advancement and is willing to be seen. Feminine energy inclines to stillness, solitary moments, being receptive to the guidance from within. Notice how you allow space for each and both to bring you the poise and the power infusing your current Clarity.

One way to create Clarity/clear seeing is by witnessing and acknowledging repeat patterns. 

  • Physical: wellness of body, healthy support systems, geographic location that feels like a fit, etc.

  • Emotional: feelings being stuck or being expressed poorly, emotions moving with a flow or causing trouble by being unexplored and the win/win of meaningful engagement with being here now.

  • Intuitive: trusting inner guidance/ having faith in the unseen Greater Field of Infinite Creative Intelligence and /assuming your vision is growing healthy and full of well-being.

Analyzing the three threads can lend support to your vision and prevent you from becoming fragmented and/or distracted. Visualize yourself as physically, emotionally and intuitively balanced during these first 90 days (Spring Equinox to Summer Solstice) of the Natural New Year.

Be very honest with yourself. Even with our greatest efforts to allow organic spontaneous growth, we will sometimes discover that negative weeds take hold. We call these troublemakers by many names. I like to think of these parts of myself as strange beliefs. I recognize that Life instinctively sends me what is needed most, whether I like it or not. Obstacles and challenges arrive to assist in helping me to gain Clarity in the NOW moment.

Being Your Doing

Throughout our spring moon/months I’ll be sharing action oriented/take charge connections. I invite you to practice working with your masculine side in a way that’s holistic and assertive. Maintain a focus upon your current vision watching as it grows and changes over the spring. We are investigating a creative process that is as natural as the seasons.

Here are some healthy masculine ‘doing’ keywords:

action, expression, going forth, manifesting, exhibiting, assertion, drive, ambition, change, revolution, invention, progress, bold, ideas, workable solutions, quickness, cleverness, brainstorm, new

At the same time that we’re placing our attention on the healthy out-picture of the Yang/masculine we’re fully aware that there are many examples of distorted misaligned masculine energies surrounding us at all times. These out of balance energies may be trapped inside of us in the form of projections like fears, self-criticism, judgments, control issues, anger/aggressiveness issues and/or the opposite inclination to be passive-aggressive lounging in a ‘recliner in front of the TV’ going nowhere and accomplishing nothing.

When your masculine side is out of balance you can gently bust it with the adage; ‘Being me is punishment enough’. Then smile and make a commitment to not make it worse for yourself …or for those around you. We ‘make it worse’ by projecting, controlling and resisting. These are out of balance unhealthy masculine tendencies and we are here to nip them in the bud. Lighten up. Go for a walk, kick box, get on the treadmill, dig some soil, rake leaves out of the flower beds…the masculine energy thrives on active engagement.

Between Spring Equinox and Summer Solstice we’re placing our attention on the ME quadrant. It’s here, in the three months of spring, where we engage our shamanic/healer in the most wisely selfish way that we can. This involves following the wheel with attention to:

  • The fire of Clarity in April…explore your passion and visualize where you’re going

  • The earthiness of Wisdom in May…get grounded, wisely build your foundation

  • The airiness of Illumination in June…ventilate your ideas opening to all that is possible

Please show me some new Natural Year love and subscribe to the Wren House Studio YouTube channel


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