Donna Iona Drozda
ArtistI support the highest creative voice within each of us.
It’s About Time
to Explore Our Greening Force
Virtual Summer Camp
The 4-Week “Explore Your Greening Force” Virtual Summer Camp begins July 14
Explore Your Greening Force
travel to the Manifest Station!
We all have a bag. We all pack differently.
Some of us are traveling light.
Some of us are secret hoarders
who’ve never parted with a memory in our lives.
I think we are all called to figure out
how to carry our bag to the best of our ability,
how to unpack it,
and how to face the mess.
I think part of growing up is
learning how to sit on the floor
with all your things and figuring out
what to take with you
and what to leave behind.
– Hannah Brencher
Join the Four Week Explore Your Greening Force Virtual Summer Camp!
On the Circadian Circle of the year summer solstice marks a turn. We enter the South Gate. At the South Gate you can pause and consider what you will choose to cultivate during the twelve weeks leading to fall equinox. The keyword for this twelve-week period is WE. In the spring our Circadian Circle keyword was ME, now creative attention looks toward the WE.
In the four-week Explore Your Greening Force Summer Camp, you set the tone for this 90-day segment of the year by placing your attention upon focused creative action.
Think of your creative actions as climbing a mountain. In this summer camp you will enlist the triangular shape/element inspired by the work of cultural anthropologist Angeles Arrien as the foundational design element. The Hermit will act as our Archetype/Mentor.
The triangle shape represents dreams, visions, and goals. The Hermit models the result of the climb. At camp you will explore the triangle and the Hermit in a series of focused creative prompts.
Join our community of Creatives.
We are heading into the Manifest Station!
Cost: $62.00 via PayPal includes four emails and videos, PDF downloads and private Facebook group for posting and discussion.
“I took a former class and absolutely learned to step outside the creative box! Iona is an amazing instructor. She teaches not only about art but how to apply and incorporate art into life. She includes everyone which allows us to learn from her as well as the other students/artists.”
S. Cunningham

Four Week Virtual Summer Camp
Video Modules arrive on Wednesday, July 14, 21, 28, August 4
Each of the four weekly videos will provide creative prompts to you inspire and support in the WE Quarter of the Circadian Circle of the year.
Summer is a 90-day period where it is natural to shine and grow and reach for something greater than your current comfort zone.
By enlisting the triangle symbol and the Hermit archetype, you will be reminded of the ways that YOUR creative voice is needed now more than ever.
We Grow Together
Consider the greening force a power tool for what is possible… though not yet known. I am inspired by …
Hildegard of Bingen, artist, sage, visionary who wrote nearly a thousand years ago:
“There is a power that has been since all eternity, and that force and potentiality is green! Be it greenness or seed, blossom or beauty – it could not be creation without it.”
“Viriditas is the natural driving force toward healing and wholeness, the vital power that sustains all life’s greenness.”
We are growing a community of mutual influence with a focus upon the Circadian Circle and the natural greening force of summer.
First up though, as in any adventure, you want to pack light.
To do that take a moment to address the challenges that you face:
Here are the 7 basic fears/challenges that might stop greening and growing:
- Fear of poverty
- Fear of criticism
- Fear of ill health
- Fear of loss of love
- Fear of growing old
- Fear of death
If you can relate to any of these 7 basic fears, then I invite you to join!
“Excellent, positive, creative & stimulating…excellent opportunity to expand my artist potential.”
M Johnson
It’s About Time: FREE 8 Day Challenge
The FREE 8-Day Natural Time Challenge
Experience a natural daily rhythm that we call a graced pace!
Explore “working from home” and its beneficial outcomes.
For our 8 days together, leave the “rat race” far behind!
Do you struggle?
Do you feel stressed?
Do you suffer through your days trying to pack in as much as possible?
Are you languishing without direction?
Do you fall into overwhelm and find it difficult, if not impossible, to act?
Do you run out of time?
We all yearn to “have enough time.”
For our 8 days together, we practice natural ways to thrive … even if only for 15 minutes a day!
Join the Free 8 Day Challenge!
Discover the harmony and balance of applying Natural/Circadian rhythm to your day. Explore the science and art of a natural relationship with time. Reacquaint yourself with circadian rhythms as a foundational aspect of YOUR life journey…
Course Content:
In this Free introduction to the seasonal/cyclical “It’s About Time” series, you receive a short video each day for 8 days (take the weekend off).
Each day brings a simple, creative prompt designed to support you in peacefully, yet powerfully, navigating your day ahead.
Cost: Free / 15 minute a day investment
I have been following along and find your objective fascinating!!
I have been knitting and enjoying TIME one stitch, one row at a time. And then the pull out a row or two and reknit.
And the untangle the yarn that has reoriented itself into a mass.
The time just flows along!!
So love you and your joyous living!!
Much Love! Alice

Free 8 Day Challenge
8 Video/Audio Modules
The Natural/Circadian rhythm invites us to calm down, and yet the natural rhythm of summer is heating things UP^.
To celebrate this most creative/active time of the year, our 8 day focus for this challenge is upon Wealth and Well-being! (Watch the short video on this page to learn more).
We place an emphasis on creative alignment.
As a result, you become more aware of the increased capacity to BE in the flow of your life.
It’s About Time … to BE open to a relationship with Natural/Circadian/Feminine energy within.
It’s creative and it’s good science to move forward experiencing, expressing, creating, and contributing a state of balance and joy!
Yes yes yes! I love the power of these tools and
the process and the digging and the surprises.